(Re)Tracing Africa A Multi-Disciplinary Study of African History, Societies, and CultureDownload torrent (Re)Tracing Africa A Multi-Disciplinary Study of African History, Societies, and Culture
- Author: Ogechi Anyanwu
- Published Date: 15 Jan 2015
- Publisher: Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co ,U.S.
- Language: English
- Format: Book
- ISBN10: 1465270639
- Dimension: 215.9x 276.86x 22.86mm::748.42g Download: (Re)Tracing Africa A Multi-Disciplinary Study of African History, Societies, and Culture
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Download torrent (Re)Tracing Africa A Multi-Disciplinary Study of African History, Societies, and Culture. Re Tracing Africa: A Multi-Disciplinary Study of African History, Societies, and Culture (9780757594960): Salome Nnoromele, Ogechi Anyanwu: (re)Tracing Africa: A Multidisciplinary Study of African History, Societies, and Culture. Author(s): Ogechi Anyanwu, Salome Nnoromele. Edition: 2. Copyright: Get this from a library! (Re) Tracing Africa:a multi-disciplinary study of African history societies and cultures. [Salome Nnoromele; Ogechi Emmanuel Anyanwu] The second edition of (re)Tracing Africa: A Multidisciplinary Study of African History, Societies and Culture, co-edited EKU faculty members Dr. Ogechi :Re-tracing Africa: A Multi-disciplinary Study of African History Societies and Culture (9781465270634): Ogechi Anyanwu, Salome Nnoromele:
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